Tag Archives: Travel

This is My…Day of Hugs

15 Mar

I’ve always liked travelling, so it’s no surprise I guess that I love to take the little man out and about, also, give me an excuse to show him off to further flung people.
Ok, so it’s not like Beccles is exactly outer Mongolia, but with Chris nursing a hangover, it meant I could take the little man on his first train journey.

Which is actually quite a big ordeal in itself. Buses, as much as I moan about them, have dedicated wheelchair spaces at the front and the drivers usually lower the bus to let anything with wheels on. Trains, have no indication of where these spaces are (I had a vision of having to park the little man in the bicycle rack) and the gap between path and train might as well be the Grand Canyon. Couldn’t find the driver to be of any use to me, so I had to go back into the ticket office (lucky that was open, half the time it’s not) only to have him rattle the ramp a bit, claim it was stuck, then walk off again. Thankfully, a nice woman helped me on with my buggy and I helped her on with hers, or we’d both be still standing there now.


Little man was so thrilled with his journey he fell asleep, and stayed asleep even though I’d taken him to The Public Hall to meet all the people set building (For their next production of Les Miserables School Edition. Tickets available from here. More info here). So much for the hugs, as even the sound of hammering and drilling couldn’t stir the little beasty from his slumber.

So, I decided to take him back out into the cold and visit Waveney Labour Party’s stall in the town center to sign their petition and show him off to the couple running it (after all, he is the poster child for Bob’s campaign!). Met up with nanna Janet whilst we were there, which he decided to wake up for, knows his nannas voice!
With Janet in tow, we ran round a couple of charity shops (with Janet looking after him outside the ones I couldn’t fit the buggy in) before settling into Weatherspoons for a bottomless coffee and a catch up.

As the little stinker was now fully awake, it was back to the Public Hall for us, and multiple hugs for Jennifer, Bethan, Megan, Sarah and a firm handshake from Stephen. Unfortunately the hammering and drilling was a bit too much for his awake ears, and he started getting a bit squeaky at everyone. Exit stage left and quick zip by Beccles Sewing & Handicraft shop to see Sue, Steve, Claire & Ian which, despite the fact he was overdue for his feed, he was incredibly well behaved for, once again giving the image of a very well behaved little stinky.

Back on the train, and a feed later we were home and settled for the rest of the day.

To-Do List 2010 Pt2

13 Mar

Well, not many of you got back to me, so I though I'd take matters into my own hands.
Here is the rundown:

Adam Bloom
Al Murray
Andy Parsons
Ardal O'Hanlon
Billy Connolly
Brendon Burns
Chris Addison
Craig Campbell
Daniel Kitson
Dara O'Briain
Dave Spikey
David Baddiel
Frank Skinner
Harry Hill
Jack Dee
Jason John Whitehead
Jason Manford
Jason Rouse
Jenny Eclair
Jo Brand
Jo Caulfield
John Bishop
Lee Mack
Miles Jupp
Omid Djalili
Rhys Darby
Russell Brand
Sean Lock
Steve Hughes
Stewart Lee
Tim Vine
Tommy Tiernan

32 people still on the list (Bearing in mind I've already crossed Alex Horne and Stephen Lynch off the list, and it's only March) A lot of these ones I'll probably only get to see if I make my way to a TV recording like Have I Got News For You or QI, which is do-able. Some of these folks might even be nice enough to tour some place near me, save me even more money!
So, if anyone hears when these guys are on (especially the top names) please tell me so I can get my hands on some tickets and cross some more off the list.

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To do List – 2010

12 Mar

Right, as you all know I loves my comedy.
I have been halfway across the world to see some fantastic stand-ups and met some lovely people who I might have missed had I stayed at home.
So now, I'm asking you lovely people to help me make a comprehensive list of middle to big name comics so I can be incredibly narcissistic and cross them off if I've seen them.
This should then leave me with the 2010 comedy to-do list!
So please, either leave a list of everyone you can think of or add to the person above you, from big TV/Movie people, right down to the ones still trudging the London circus circuit, or if you 're a non-UK-er please, leave me some culture, and a challenge from your land. But be warned, that may result in me landing on your doorstep expecting a place to crash.
Comment away:

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Stephen Lynch-3 Balloons

6 Mar

So another set of messages between myself and Sarah saw me heading off to Bristol again, but not for Jon!
No, this time we were at the very pretty hippodrome theatre to see a musical comedian named Stephen Lynch.
Now, I doubt even some of you hardcore English comedy fans have heard of him, as he's played very few gigs over here. He says himself that he owes most of his popularity in Europe to youtube. I felt a bit smug that I'd seen him on Comedy Central first, but either way, he's not done too badly over here, just check out the sold-out tour he's on at the moment.

I shan't get into how crappy the journey down was, (I kinda expected 3 changes just to get to London wasn't gonna be a barrel of laughs, and the Megabus to Bristol isn't that exciting) so after meeting up with Sarah and her friend from uni, Jenny, we had a bite to eat, a few drinks then elbowed our way to our second row seats.
What I didn't realise/had forgotten, is Stephen has a whole new album out called "3 Balloons" and this is a tour of some of the songs from it (not including the actual 3 balloons song, but who am I to be picky) and some old favourites.
Along for the ride was Drew Lynch (Stephens brother who was on the DVD) and David Josefsberg, who is a comedy writer in his own right.
He opened with a new song called "Waiting" all about waiting…for the results of an aids test, but the relief to find out, it's only Gonorrhea.
My memory is a little hazy on the order of the other songs, but there was Fishing Hole, where everyone is an asshole, Dear Diary parts 1, 2, 3, 5, 10 which are famous peoples optimistic diary entry's usually the day before they died (Or, in Christopher Reeves case, bad case of the owchies.) Medieval Bush which, you guessed it, is a song about pubic hair written in a medieval style, A History lesson, where Stephen explains how he used to be a primary school teacher and riffs off some of the songs he used to teach the kids all ending in"Write is down motherfucker" or in the last case "Write it down Morgan Freeman" (So, don't look shocked if you see me in a t-shirt that says that), Crazy Peanuts, which is based on the Schulz comic strip of old, Dirty Sanchez, written by Josefsberg about the sexual practice of a Dirty Sanchez, written in a flamenco style and the sidekick song (Go on, guess what thats about). Another new one, which isn't on any album (to my limited knowledge) is Tattoo explaining how every "hardcore" tattoo is queer. Oh apart from the teardop one you get in jail for killing a man. Thats a cool tattoo!
Some older ones that you can almost certainly find on youtube are "Tiny Moustache", "Special Ed", "Craig" and "Beelz".
He rounded off the night in great style with a rendition of Princes' Purple Rain, even coming out to terrify some audience members. I still want to know how he hasn't had the pants sued off of him by Prince (See blog, the most paranoid guy in the room)
After letting Sarah spend money on my behalf, and poiny-elbowing it back out of the venue we had a bright idea to loiter by the stage door instead of the main entrance, and sure enough they came out to a group of about 20 people who he was happy enough to take pictures and sign stuff for, even Sarah's 60 flyer's and tickets for friends seems a really lovely bloke.

So after partially stalking them back to their hotel room endeth my evening, but you just know I can't end anything on a high note.
The return journey has to have been one of the worst days of my life, and certainly one of those days where I would give anything to be able to drive.
First: The bus from Bristol got into London 20 minutes late,
Then: I had to wait 10 minutes for the tube train I needed to actually turn up
THEN: Randomly stopped at Aldgate, I dunno, for a breather perhaps. All: Giving me 5 seconds to run across London Liverpool Street to catch my train home.
Said train then,
CRAWLS: Into Norwich 5 minutes late, so I
RUN: to get the Lowestoft one, only to find that they have only put one carriage on, and it's the freaking SCHOOL RUN, so there isn't even one iota of space. So I calmly tell the conductor, that I'm booked on this train, I need to get on this train, I have to teach in 30 minutes time, there is no way I can wait for the next train. To which she replies. TOUGH.
Luckly someone came up and told us there was a coach waiting outside to take the stragglers, or I'd have probably exploded by this point.
SO: This being a non-speedy, rush-hour-traffic-allowing, 40-year-old-driven bus, this then got into Lowestoft late.
HELPFULLY: Blocking my dad in the car park, so we couldn't even make a speedy get away.
FINALLY: Got home in time to grab my keys and go have a yelling match with my boss.

Next stop, Tim Minchin in London!

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Lowestoft Ink

27 Nov

Just realised I've never posted a proper blog about my tattoos, how very remiss of me.
But seeing as I have just had a new one, now seems a good time as any to recap.

This was my first one, which I got done…years ago (This is why I should make more of a note of things, I have ZERO memory) partially as a birthday present and partially for the wonderful charity who's symbol this is (If you don't know about the amazing work Amnesty International do, get your backside over to their website now and support them)
This was done at Skin Graphics in my home town of Lowestoft. By an artist named Jayson, you can check out some of there other stuff here

My next one was done in August of 2008 whilst I was on my trip to Edinburgh, as I kinda thought I'd start collecting them whilst on my travels to make them mean just that little bit more.
In case you didn't know this is the symbol for "Libra" which although I don't go in for all the crap behind astrology, tis still a neat symbol.
This one was done in a joint called love hate tattoos who have a website hidden away here (turns out I only just missed seeing the LA Ink guys by a month)

My newest one less than a week old, was added by East Point Tattoos (Also in Lowestoft, who knew such a small place could hold this much art work)
They, unfortunately don't have a website yet, although I'd love to help them out there, be a receptionist, make a website.
This is a design nicked from here, which I saw ages ago and fell in love with, great artist, you should check out his stuff in absence of an EP webpage.

So, there we have it, my current body defiling, with the hope that more money may result in more, possibly colourful ones.

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Comedy Fun Times – Day 3

26 Oct

This time, armed with sleep, I managed to get up AM, woohoo.

As there wasn’t a great deal to be done on zero money, Nic and I decided a day of vegging out with comedy DVDs was in order. Dara O’Briain Talks Funny, which I don’t own, so was great fun to watch, Alan Davies Urban Trauma, which was mine (As a side note, I think I’m the only person that still owns this, and I know I’m the only person to own the Live at the Lyric VHS. I paid a bloody fortune for that) and later Jeff Green Back from the Bewilderness, also mine.

Onto the reason I came up to Sheffield in the first place (other than to spend some time with a like minded comedy friend) Ross Noble hosting Riders for health. You can read more about this charity here

Now, up until a couple of days before I left, they hadn't released the line up, which in my mind either meant it was gonna be shit, or gonna be super.

Turns out it was a happy combination of them both.
*I'd just like to take this opportunity to say it's been 2 weeks, and I have a crap memory for the order of things, but I do remember the sets quite well*
Ross started off the night by telling people how to piss themselves, and how shit Nick Griffin looked on Newsnight, and somehow Ross got his shirt caught on the microphone and started parading about the stage.

Toby Foster.
Just because he organised most of the festival, he thinks he's the best thing to happen to planet earth since sliced bread. NEWS FLASH. No he's not. He's like a slightly younger Bernard Manning, and I had a full blown party when he died, if somehow Toby can disappear before next years festival, I'll at least break out the dance machine.

Everly Pregnant Brothers
I'll be honest, the title didn't inspire me with much confidence, bad plays on words shit me up something rotten. So it came as no surprise to me, when 5 of them came out and sat on chairs, Toby Foster joined them and they preceded to play the worst pop songs known to mankind (I will survive, 6"2 eyes of blue) changing a grand total of one word in each. I don't like parodies at the best of times, doubly when they aren't even proper parodies. Ugh.
Thank god for the distraction of Ross in between acts of I may have walked there and then. The second part involved him putting the mic stand in his fly’s and pole dancing with it. Much to our amusement, but probably down right annoying for the next act who had to wait ages for him to sod off,

Next act was Idiot of Ants, who I'd heard a hell of a lot about since Melbourne, I remember lots of people ranting and raving about their show, and I was not disappointed. Lovely (if not slightly sexist) routine about a hen party who get a sex change, and the Guantanamo camp for an education in crappy dad jokes (Have a nice trip, send us a postcard) Without a doubt some of the best sketch comedy I've seen in a long time.

After the designated piss break was the raffle (Top/only prize was an afternoon go-karting with Ross and any others of the line-up that could be dragged along) It's a shame that the person who won it didn't sound totally thrilled, I'd have been jumping up and down like a loon.

Anyhow, penultimate act was the lovely Bernie Clifton who I was convinced was dead, so when the first words out of his mouth were "Bet you thought I was dead" Nic and I almost pissed ourselves laughing. The usual riding around on his ostrich and his not so normal riding about on a nun, and giving a truck load of gifts to one poor woman on the front row (including a massive inflatable of himself)
How do you follow that as a headline act I hear you say? Well by none other than

So happy to finally see Eddie live, and he was fantastic. He had great fun talking about the Romans and the big swords they used to have, which lead to an extended routine about people trying to kill themselves by impaling themselves onto the end of it and moving slowly up the blade. Ok so Eddie material doesn't transcript very well. The thing that made me chuckle the most was him saying that if God has this wonderful plan it's unfolding very much like he hasn't got a plan. And if he did have a plan, why did he not just ping Hitler’s head off!

After the show, my feet were insanely achy (turns out I had a pair of flat shoes with me the whole time, but FORGOT I'd packed them) but we did hang around long enough to see everyone leave. Lots of restraint not to punch Toby, amusing to see St Johns ambulance crew leaving shortly after Bernie, and, the wonderful Eddie Izzard stopped to sign and take pictures. Now, I think anyone who hangs around after is lovely, but doubly for this guy, he's Hollywood, he had a tour bus waiting for him, could more than happily have sodded off but he didn't. Bravo.

After a bit of wine and some munchies back at Nics it was bed time, thus ending my comedy adventures for the year. At least for now!

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Comedy Fun Times – Day 2

25 Oct

So. Megabusty to Sheffield wasn't too bad, managed to nab myself a double seat and a couple of hours sleep.
Nic kindly met me off the bus, as I have zero sense of direction in places I know, yet alone those that I don't. Went for a quick fry-up to cure her hangover and my lack of sleep then back to hers for a nap. I was only planning for an hour to remind my body how to function. Turns out my body had other ideas and I didn't wake up till 4PM leaving me just enough time to shovel food down my neck and get dolled up into my costume

I refuse to believe that anyone who knows me well enough to read my blog wont have seen Rocky Horror at least once or on the other end of the scale, have seen it live and know the whole "alternative script" off by heart and have found themselves in Fishnet stockings and shiny clothes

I was with Nic (obviously) and Nic's mum and sister, how great a family is that. Just an iota of thought about my mum in that get up leaves me reaching for the eye bleach.
Anyhoo, for those of you unfamiliar with the rules, here's what happens:
You get a bag of props including "slut" and "Arsehole" cards to be used (and shouted) every time someone on screen said "Brad" or "Janet" (though some people couldn't grasp this and shouted every time they were on screen) along with booing every time Dr Scott was on screen, whooping every time Rocky was on screen, and shouting "WHERE'S YOUR NECK" every time the Pathologist appeared (again, some people got it wrong and booed him).
Other props included a rubber glove to be snapped every time Frank did, a news paper to shelter on when it rained (and someone behind us had a water pistol) and a party popper for when they are "cooooming"!
Anyway, I sang my little heart out, getting rid of all the missed months of Karaoke and singing lessons, but I was so beat after the lack of sleep and my shoes, sexy as they were, ripped my feet to shreds, so no drink was on the cards that night, just an early bed to be alive and well for tomorrow

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Comedy Fun Times – Day 1

24 Oct

Despite physically not being able to get out of bed Friday (and most of Thursday) I managed to prop myself up on a bus and head to London.
After loitering in McDonalds for a couple of hours (In a corner with two other asleep people) I got in touch with Linzy and went for a coffee and a catch up (2 month worth of talking) and for some Tru Blood goodies from Liza. After a brief stop at the worlds smallest Travelodge and the world’s only veggie Nandos, we headed off to the Hammersmith Apollo.

Now, as *avid* readers of my blog will know I live in the arse end of nowhere and subsequently the theatre I work at is tiny. As in, you could lose my theatre in the Hammersmith 360 times over. This scares the HOLY SHIT outta me.
Needless to say Tim was on cracking form and didn’t subject me to the shiny leggings he'd worn the night before

The only slight hiccup was on "If I didn't have you" where he managed to start the wrong verse, but the relentless backing singers soon told him he was wrong. This I totally and un-biasdly do not believe was Tim's fault, but rather brings me onto a rant about the crappyness of the show from a technical point of view.

My new theory is: The bigger the theatre, the less people cares.

1. Related to my last point, Tim didn't have a monitor at the front of stage. He had one by the piano, all well and good, but Tim does 3 numbers away from that one, so why was there not one anywhere else. I think this is what lead Tim to being a beat behind in some of the songs (gonna take some cracking editing there) and probably lead to his error in If I didn't have you.
2. Feedback/Cracking on the mic. I refuse to believe a venue of that size and with that amount of money has such shit microphones that they can be interfered by passing taxis.
3. If you're going to have big fancy pyros on stage, try not to set the performer alight.
4. And this pissed me off all evening. One light (A par-can) was flickering whilst we were taking our seats. The same light then proceeded to flicker all the time the show was on and even when every other light was off. PULL THE FUCKING PLUG.
These are all relatively minor annoyances but seeing as it's a DVD recording you'd think they'd put in a tiny bit of effort. Oh No No No.
Anyhoo, it was a good show deserving of the two standing ovations it got. Tim didn't come out after the show so I couldn't moan at him for not coming out after the last gig.

NOW. If you are my parents. Stop reading. If you are someone I work with. Stop reading. If you are someone who even remotely gives a damn about me. Stop reading.
This is where it gets a bit hairy.
Because I was a fool and left all my planning till the last second, I had nowhere to sleep and even though Shell offered, their room really was too small so I decided to have a kip in the train station for 8 hours. Bad move. First I sat in a quiet corner near the baggage collection, till a nice security man kicked me (& others) out. So I moved round the other side. Till a nice security woman kicked EVERYONE out. It was only for two hours; maybe they had to clean up the Saturday night puke. But this opened up the floodgates for a creepy guy to ask me where I was staying, and then follow me outside. Now I only went round the corner where a shuttle bus went every half hour, so there was plenty of people, but this guy would not take no for an answer. So I resorted to my usual method of fixing things and yelled at him. Thus grabbing the attention of the people around me and making the guy bolt.
2 Hours later and I was happily back in the "warmth" of the station, still with 7 hours to go. Because the F'ing clocking went back an hour. AGH. To compensate for this though, there was much hilarity at the coach station.
A big angry dude came rushing in and started banging on the doors, screaming and just generally being as obnoxious as possible. So a megabus driver calmly opened the door:
Man: "What the fuck, why isn't the door opened to the bus, what sorta shit service are you running, it's gone 8 man"
Driver: "Can I see your ticket please"
Man: *Hands over*
Driver: *Rips up ticket* Don't you dare come battering my door down again. It's 7 not 8 because the clocks have gone back an hour. Now get lost.
*Round of applause from nearby affected*

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World Tour Of East Anglia:

6 Sep
Flushed with the recent sucsess of being in 300 places at once (I managed to get away with not really helping out for Fawlty Towers) I now seem to have on my plate a solid week of doing things.
Nothing too hard or stressful. Just things. Nice to be kept busy I suppose.
Seeing as I probably wont be able to get on the internet between now and the end of time, I'll post an itenerary now, so anyone who wants to stalk me will know where I am at all times.
Monday: Getting all the Fawlty Towers set out of the theatre, and probably back into the store till the end of the week. Hello Dolly rehursal in Beccles, 7:30 pm as per.
Tuesday: Bar the lie-in I think I've earnt, I'm off to Norwich Art Center to see Trevor Lock et al on the free tickets I was kindly given by the Fabba group last month.
Wednsday: Another rehursal for Hello Dolly in the good ol Beccles, it's getting nearer the show now, so they've become a lot more intensive.
Thursday: Off to the Cut in Halesworth with the now mobile Fawlty Towers set, to go guess some lighting cues
Friday: Ditto, but this is in the shiny Fisher Theatre in Bungay.
Saturday: Mums birthday, so I can take a random guess that we'll be going to East Ruston if the weather is fine. Or if it's not.
Sunday: TIM! Like every fan should, I've started getting withdrawal symptoms from not seeing him for a couple of months. However like a bad fan, this is the only one on the tour I'm going to bar one Apollo gig (And only then because someone else got the tickets for me). Hmm. Norwich Theatre Royal for that one.
Monday: Guess what, back to beccles for yet another Hello Dolly rehursal. Not that I don't need them.

So there we have it. A whole week of being places that isn't Lowestoft. Aren't I lucky!
And I am so bored, here's a map:

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72 hours of Edinburgh – Pt3

23 Aug

Somehow I managed to get my hands on a ticket for a special extra added date to the next show, which is a miracle, as they normally sell out in about 10 seconds flat.

Paul Merton’s Impro Chums:

Paul Merton, Richard Vranch, Suki Webster, Mike McShane and Tim *Someone* made up the crew, and by hell was this one of the funniest shows I've seen in a while. The Tim bloke, who was the only one I'd never heard of before, was amazingly good, if not slightly rude for a mid-day show. Paul was on wonderful form too, and I found out he's now married to Suki. Pity! (Just kidding).
Now for my first (and only) mistake of the whole weekend, I went to my next booking.

The Oxford Imps:

I was sold to these people by a friend of a friend, as I'm a fan of Impro comedy. Yes, I normally am, and I think if I had seen them any other day or any other time other than an hour after I had seen the king of impro comedy that is Paul Merton, they would have been quite good. A couple of them were very funny, the keyboardist was very good. The others (especially/predictably the American) were making up for lack of talent with an abundance of enthusiasm. This just didn’t cut it for me. Also, they stole, and I do mean word for word, a game from Pauls show (The game was a challenge to tell a story on the spot, if they stopped even for a second or stumbled over their words (No hesitation, deviation or repetition, hang on, that’s stolen too) the audience had to shout DIE very loudly at them. Which I did quite happily. Because they should be hung for stealing ideas)
Seeing as it was raining non-stop (Welcome to Edinburgh) and I was trudging my home/backpack round the place with me, I thought I'd sit in a cafe and let the world go by for a couple of hours. However, I totally forgot that it was a Sunday, and I'm sure the cafe wanted to close about 3 hours before I arrived. Meh. Either way, I killed enough time to get in a series of free shows before Karaoke Circus.

OCD – Truly Madly Neatly
Turns out free doesn't mean rubbish, as this show was hilarious, if not making me look slightly harder at the "quirks" I have and decided that I probably am quite OCD. Meh Meh. I was quite happy to throw a few quid in the bucket on the way out.

Robin Ince Vs The Moral Majority
Defiantly not rubbish. In a room hotter than hell itself, this whole show was brought about by the Guardian writing a what’s hot and what’s not column and "Comedians who attack the Daily Mail" were not hot, take note Marcus Brigstock and Robin Ince. So he decided to attack the Guardian instead. I have to agree with Robin on most things, I can't open any paper without yelling at most of the articles, even in my local one, too many things are ridiculous if you look at them in depth. Also made me wish I'd seen his science show earlier on in the day, there’s some books I defiantly need to get my hands on. Or his book club show. Or his Bleeding heart liberal show. And I would be seeing him later on in Karaoke Circus. That man isn't going to be happy till he's killed himself. Still, all in the name of comedy.

After the show, I was hanging around to see the show directly after it, and ended up talking to Peter Buckly-Hill the founder of Free Fringe, and Robin came up too, trying to convince Peter to come along, without really know what time it was or what venue it was in. So I flyered him for it, and told him I'd see him later.

I learnt my lesson last time, and plonked myself right by a fan for the next two hours. Peter, was very funny, playing a few songs on his guitar, and although I can't remember a huge amount about the guests he had up (other than the Aussie who broke one of the fans in the room, (luckily not the one I was near or he'd have got it) and an American who pretty much was the anti-Kilstine routine, which needless to say I didn't take on board too much). Also had a chat with him, and promised to have a look at helping him out next year, I don't mind volunteering my help to a good cause.

Karaoke Circus:

Finally! Such a cracking line-up, I don't know why everyone who came to see comedy over the month wasn't there, there really was something for everyone.
Robin Ince started off the night, as promised, with Barry Mannilows Copacabana, turns out he's quite a good singer.
Someone else was next murdering Beautiful, originally by Christina Aguilera
A open mic spot filled by someone doing Video Killed the Radio Star, and sounding a carbon copy of the original
Simon Amstell. Meh. Hero. Meh. For someone who hosts(ed) a music quiz he really was quite bad.
Pippa Evans
Pappy's Fun Club
Andrew Collins – I remember lipstick.
Another open mic – Come on Eileen
Carry Quinnilan – Born to run
Tom Stade and someone else
Someone else
Open mic of Eternal Flame (*Growl* My song)
Richard Herring – This town ain't big enough for the both of us (Strangely being the singer of a Sparks song whilst looking like the keyboard player *shrug*)
Someone else doing a duet
You can tell by this point in the night, I was getting quite drunk, there was a few other songs, none of which I sung. I did warn Martin, I'll keep turning up like a bad penny till they let me sing, then realised, that’s not a very serious threat for someone that wants to sell tickets. Lets hope I can make to the next one after all that. Oh and I did get a hug, which according to a few people, is a rarity. I shall treasure it.

So, there endeth the weekend (which was Monday morning by this point) and I went directly to the train station with the full drunken intention of falling asleep in the train station for a couple of hours. Instead I managed to wrangle my way onto an earlier train, so I slept on that instead. Almost missing my stop, and actually leaving my booky wook behind. Now I shall never know if he dies at the end.
Next stop, Cromer Pier!
(Because that can really compare)

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