This is my…Low Iodine Diet-Day 9

19 Nov

With Kal all safely packed of to nannas again, today was supposed to be a lovely relaxing day where Chris and I could enjoy each others company and get a nice meal and a movie.
So why have I got about 200 more grey hairs than when I started, I hear you ask?
Started off by the car park only taking coin change (even though it was stupidly expensive to stay there for both movie and meal, but it was closer than a cheaper one to save me walking so far, remember…relaxing!) So Chris had to run over to break into a note at the garage across the road.
Then went over to Eds Easy Diner (if you’ve not been and there’s one near you, seriously go. Now) for our free burgers. We’d just got our drinks when…ah crapola…Chris’ wallet had gone walkabout. So we had to quickly pay for the drinks on my card (good job I had it in there, I don’t always) and scarper minus burger. After retracing steps all the way back, THANKFULLY it was on the floor just outside the car, must have fallen out when he put the ticket in and neither of us noticed but so easily done, and THANKFULLY no one had emptied it of its contents either. However by then we’d have missed the start of the movie (and still not eaten) so we darted across the city (wasting the money on the car park, couldn’t find anyone to give the ticket to) to the other cinema to catch it there. Except we’d got the times muddled up so we had actually just missed the start of a showing there and the next one was in an hour. Quick phone call to the babysitting department to make sure they didn’t mind having him a bit later (and past his bed time) and we at least grabbed some food.
One more annoyance that I won’t go into details on here, but suffice to say it was enough to make me feel pretty stressed out by the time the trailers rolled.
Good job then that it was A) a long film B) I can still have popcorn and C) it was an exceptionally good film.



Only thing I noticed today other than the usual tiredness, is my appetite is pretty much at zero, and not just because I was stressy, even when we got home, we hadn’t had dinner but I didn’t feel like much so just picked at a few bits before bed. I presume this is another lack of tablet side effect as the thyroid controls metabolism, so it starts off with my brain telling my body there’s no fuel to work with, go rest, so I go rest then it tells my body I’m not doing anything so I don’t need as much fuel, so I don’t feel as hungry, so I don’t eat, so my brain tells my body I’m not getting enough fuel and so on…
As long as I force myself to drink plenty I’m not too worried as if my body ain’t using it, I don’t really need to stockpile anymore. Got a few layers already sorted for winter, ta.

Breakfast-Nothing again. Ooops.
Lunch-Watherspoons BBQ Pulled pork sandwich, chips & onion rings (believe me, I went through the allergens with a fine tooth comb, and this is actually better for me than the planned american diner as some American style buns have milk in them to make them more fluffy and creamy. British ones can’t be bothered with all that fuss!)
Dinner-More fruit salad bits and some cola bottles
Snacks-Salted popcorn (again, not American style so should be safe)

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